Here we are already in September! After this extraordinary summer when time itself was artificially slowed, sometimes interminably, as we were confined to our homes, it is slightly shocking to realise that the summer's nearly over! Autumn approaches ...
But the advent of September for us means we take a step towards normality as we finally reopened for business on the 1st having been closed for 163 days here in the house at least.
As you know, or those who have seen our previous video clips over the past few months, we’ve not been idle, and have done many improvements to the house. In fact it has been very busy here during lockdown, once we could source the materials again! Here, for example, is the new 'Belvoir Room'.

We made some important policy decisions too, the main ones being a minimum of 2-night stays in the house (single nights by application), and a difficult one of finally giving up our wedding licence, after 8 years, so that we shall no longer do the marriage ceremonies here - but we can still do special occasions, birthday parties, 50th/60th/70th/80th etc, 21st in the 'Derelicte Barn', christenings, wakes etc up to our allowed capacity of 50 in the house (30 under Corona conditions).
Lastly, and as we tried to highlight during lockdown, you can always rely on us to pass on knowledge of the secret, or to be more precise, the not-so-well-known places of interest and delight in our area.
One such place, that we recently revisited one particularly hot August day, was the Anchor Caves, facing out over a side carrier of the R.Trent. Usually, this is a deserted place, and it was unfortunate that when we took this footage some of the local worthies had taken it up as their personal sunbathing area, but the walk to the caves is lovely, breathtaking in parts, and a mini-adventure in its own right!
Have a glimpse of it here:
So, onwards we go into the last quarter of 2020, and we hope to see some of you here between now and Christmas! Remember, as subscribers to our newsletters, we shall always go the extra mile for you if we can!
With best wishes
Charles & Charlotte